Already some vague black and white photo’s I took for my future MOMA solo show to proof my grand oeuvre. (which now will be seen as shit, but later will be understood and valued), 2024

Some photos of the performance work: “Already some vague black and white photo’s I took for my future MOMA solo show to proof my grand oeuvre. (which now will be seen as shit, but later will be understood and valued), 2024”. Now displayed in a gallery. Visitors: none.
Some reactions: “The interesting thing about the work is that it’s about so much more than just performance art. The fact that there were no visitors during the performance, and that there was also no one during the exhibition about the performance, makes you think about the fast pace we are all living in as a society. It’s a poignant reminder of the idea that ‘you had to be there’ to truly understand the experience.”